Welcome to Revelation Missionary Baptist Church
805 E. Davie St. Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 828-9292
Rev. Dr. Keith R. Hicks, Pastor
Our Daily Bread Sunday School - 10:00am-10:55am
Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00am
Wednesday Bible Study - 7:00-8:45pm
"A Church Planted by God in The Heart of His City to Sow and Grow a Harvest of Christian Love" Matthew 9:36-38

External Resources, Services, and Helpful Information
(Please view and use these sites at your own discretion. Press on each image below, to be redirected )
Our Daily Bread is a Christian Devotional which provides a daily meditational message.
Srcipture reminds us that daily, we should request bread from God and that means both our physcial and spiritual nourisment. Press the image to be redirected to the external site >>>>
Wake Missionary Baptist Association is a coalition of 50 plus baptist churches within the Wake County and surrounding areas, united together to prepare and equip the association pastors, leaders, and disciples for 21st Century ministry and community service to win souls for Christ. RMBC is honored to be part of such a great association. Press the image to be redirected to the external site >>>>
Bible Gateway provides several translation of the scritpures as well as devotionals, reading plans, audio versions and other valuable biblical resources. Press the image to be redirected to the external site >>>>
Bible Tools also provides several translation of the scritpures as well as reading plans, audio versions and other valuable biblical resources; including various comentaroes. Press the image to be redirected to the external site >>>>
College Foundation of NC provides oortunities for high school aged youths to apply and fund their college years >>>>
Wake County Publis School System links parents and students to access information pertaining to their schhol >>>>
Education Planner provides several ways for students to explore and learn more about thier college and career opportunites >>>>
Wake County Publis Librries links parents and students to access information pertaining to their library >>>>
InterAct is a private, non-profit, United Way agency that provides safety, support, and awareness to victims and survivors of domestic violence sexual assault. >>>>
Raleigh Rescue Mission offers emergency overnight shelter for women and children. They also provide residential recovery for both men and women. Educational services, pre-school and other outreach services are also available to the community. >>>>
South Wilmington Street Center provides some short-term emergency dorms with overnight shelter for men >>>>
Steven L. Lyons Funeral Home, is a very capable and experienced staff readily available to help with any type of funeral arrangement. >>>>
Hospice of Wake County has become the largest and most experienced hospice organization serving its region. Today, they provide much more than hospice care. And we serve more than Wake County. We’ve changed our name to Transitions LifeCare to better represent their full range of support for each stage of a chronic serious illness, terminal illness and grief >>>>
The Cancer Centers of North Carolina (CCNC) Established in 1979, CCNC is the first practice to offer community-based outpatient cancer care in the Triangle with locations in Raleigh, North Raleigh, Cary, Dunn and Clayton. The 18 specialty trained cancer physicians are experienced professionals offering state of the art compassionate cancer care, meeting the needs of cancer patients and their families throughout the spectrum of illness, recovery and survivorship.
Inter-Faith Food Shuttle is an innovative hunger-relief organization serving seven counties in and around the Triangle. Inter-Faith Food Shuttle pioneers innovative, transformative solutions designed to end hunger in our community. >>>>
Raleigh Rehabilitation Center - for short-term rehabilitation or extended recovery time after an illness. Raleigh Rehab provide care with a full range of medical and social services to treat and support your loved one health and well-being >>>>
Advance Community Health, Raleigh (formerly Wake Health Services) is the non-profit, Community Health Center in South East Raleigh with a mission to provide primary care services to uninsured and medically-underserved patients. For more than 40 years, we have been an anchor of quality, compassionate health and dental care for more than 25,000 patients of all ages >>>>
Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department offers a wide variety of programs, classes, and events throughout the year. There are endless opportunities to learn something new, refine your skills, or just meet new friends. Programs are offered for children as young as 6 months old and extend through senior adults. With so many options, here are a few simple tips to help you get started >>>>
NCWorks Online is a one-stop online resource for job seekers and employers in North Carolina. Job seekers can search for jobs, create resumes, and find education and training. Employers can find candidates, post jobs, and search labor market information.. >>>>
The General Baptist State Convention of North Carolina Marks its official beginning in 1867 when Black Baptists in 3 distinct areas-Goldsboro, Wilmington, and Raleigh-realized the need to form an association to support the educational and missionary efforts of the church. >>>>
Medicare is the federal health insurance program for people who are 65 or older, certain younger people with disabilities, and people with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or a transplant, sometimes called ESRD). >>>>
University of NC Higher Learning includes all 16 of North Carolina’s public universities, as well as a residential high school for gifted students. With distinctive missions, our campuses deliver top-notch degree programs, carry out groundbreaking research and scholarship, and contribute to North Carolina’s economy and quality of life>>>>
Wake County Clerk of Superior Court in Raleigh, North Carolina. This site is intended to serve as an informational resource for the citizens of Wake County and others visiting the courts >>>>