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Study Time #4 -  WMBA BTU:


As part of the Wake Missionary Baptist Association, we are able to take advantage of the Baptist/Biblical Training Union Session, which takes place four to five times a year.


These classes offer a mass teaching on the Baptist Articles of Faith as well as individual breakout training classes for Pastors, Ministers, Deacons, Trustees, Ushers, Educators, Choir Members, Laymen, Women and Youth.  


Current classes take place at Springfield Baptist Church, Auburn/Knightdale Rd. Raleigh. Schedule for every Saturday of the year, prior to the 5th Sunday. Training Starts at 9:00am and concludes at 12:00noon :



Study Time #3 - Mid-Week Bible Study:


Bible Study is a mid-week opportunity to recharge and refuel your spiritual tank.  We start each class with prayer, song and period of testimony and praise and then we go right into our time of study.  Bring your pen, paper, commentaries and bible translations as we try to make this time of study very interactive.   Study takes place on every Wednesday, at 7:00pm 


Study Time #2 - Sunday School:


Sunday school teaching is vital to the spiritual growth of both the young and the old, which is why we offer a class for both our youth and adults.  We uniquely use the Our Daily Bread Devotion booklet and scripture passage as to provide a great hour of Word study as well as the motivation for continual daily study. Classrooms are small in size, allowing for plenty of time for question and answers.


Sunday school is every Sunday morning from 10:00-10:55am 

Transportation within a 8-mile radius is available 

 Call or Write Us to schedule pickup

RMBC Christian Education


Christian Education is a vital part of our faith.  Throughout scripture we are admonished to study to show ourselves approved as to not perish due to a lack of knowledge. Because of this, we try to provide several structured opportunities of learning. Those who have proven to be avid scholars themselves teach by the Pastor or these formalized classes.  From our youngest child, to our oldest senior, learning and growing in the Word, is intended to be an ongoing process. Listed are four regularly scheduled times of study: 

Study Time #1 - New Members/New to Christ Orientation:


Are you a new convert; excited yet a little afraid and confused about the journey ahead? Or maybe you have been a convert for some time, however, there are still some questions left unresolved in your mind? If so, we encourage you to request a New to Christ Class offered by the pastor on any 4th Sunday morning between 9:45-10:45am. This class covers topics such as: Salvation, Sin, Forgiveness, Prayer, Bible Study, Giving, Spiritual Gifts.  This class is also a good opportunity for those new to RMBC to get to know and understand what their church believes and teaches.


So, if you are new to Christ or new to RMBC, make sure you ask about the next class; and remember "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things become new!   2Corinthians 5:17 

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