Welcome to Revelation Missionary Baptist Church
805 E. Davie St. Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 828-9292
Rev. Dr. Keith R. Hicks, Pastor
Our Daily Bread Sunday School - 10:00am-10:55am
Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00am
Wednesday Bible Study - 7:00-8:45pm
"A Church Planted by God in The Heart of His City to Sow and Grow a Harvest of Christian Love" Matthew 9:36-38

Regularly Scheduled Services and Rehearsals
Sunday School ……................…..............….every Sunday, 10:00am-10:55am
Sunday Morning Worship ……................….........….every Sunday, 11:00am
Mid-week Testimony and Bible Study….............every Wed. 7:00-8:30pm
Communion ……………........……......................... every 1st Sunday 10:45am
Baptismal Service ……………every Second and Fourth 5th Sunday....3:00pm
Community Food Pantry/Sat Service...........every 3rd Saturday...10:30am
Raleigh Rehab Devotion Service ....................every 1st Sunday...2:00pm
Lawndale Assisted Living Devotion Service....every 1st Monday...10:00am
Choir Rehearsals:
Seasoned Saints Gospel Choir .............Thursday 6:30pm prior to..1st Sun.
Women Choir......................................Saturday 10:00am prior to..2nd Sun.
Men Choir…........................................ Thursday 6:30pm prior to..3rd Sun.
The E-Merge Contemporary Choir ….....Thursday 6:30pm prior to..4th Sun.
Annual Observances and Events
Marriage Couple’s Dinner & Discussion….............4th Friday in February
African American History Observance ……....….4th Sunday of February
Ressuerction (Easter) Sunday………………….….Easter Sunday....11:00am
Women/Mother’s Day Observance……………...…..…..2nd Sunday in May
Men’s Day/ Father's Day Observance..….....................3rd Sun in June
Old Fashion Family Fun Day/Pig Pickin' ……1st Saturday in September
Homecoming/Revival/End of Summer Events …….Month of September
Thanksgiving Service….Wed one week prior to Thanksgiving.....7:00pm
Christmas Eve Service..................................December 24th.....7:00pm
New Year's Night Service ………………...….December 31st........10:00pm
​We look forward to seeing you in the service.
To God Be the Glory!